Please note: PXT takes July & August off to be with our families. We book classes well in advance with many filling quickly. Consider using training funds for some great Extrication Training. Contact PXT Lead Instructor Jeff Pugh at who will assist you with organizing training for your department as well as mutual aid departments. Hurry as our training calendar fills quickly!
Rogers High school
PXT provides 4 Extrication professionals teamed up with Central Pierce Fire & Rescue as well as local law enforcement agencies
Rogers High school
Salkum Fire
Day two of our Advanced Auto Extrication is an all hands on course utilizing air bags, e-Draulic, hydraulic, pneumatic, and hand tools. The ...
Salkum Fire
Homer Fire Dept / Homer Alaska
PXT 201- Basic Auto Extrication Course, Day 1
Day one of our most popular 8 hour courses which include a short classroom session followed by ...
Homer Fire Dept / Homer Alaska
PCFTC Closed
PXT 201- Basic Auto Extrication Course, Day 1
Day one of our most popular 8 hour courses which include a short classroom session followed by ...
PCFTC Closed